Idea Overview:
This business is a residential home /respite care for 18+ with special needs example mental health and autism. this idea came about after working in the field for a while and realise that after college they have now where to go. I carefully do research into the specific are and realise that the demand id great that the demand. I want to make a difference with these young adults by providing a home away from home. this is a passion i always have and would like to see it come to light. these young people have the ability to self-manage but need to be supervised. that is where my business comes in. hopeful one day they will develop there confidence that they can live independently
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
his might include, for example, young people with experience of being looked after in care, people with learning difficulties, mental health service users, older people, physically and/or sensory impaired people, people using palliative care services and people with drug and alcohol problems. this will also involve social services, CQC, QCS and hospitals
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Sector the idea belongs to:
Professional services
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
I have conducted some research in the area I live in and the surrounding area and found that the waiting list is very long. so the demand is much greater than the supply.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
my core customers would be the private sectors and the government
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
at the moment I am only using social services and the hospitals as well as QCS and CQC
How far have you developed this idea?:
I have not rally discuss this with no one else as i was planning to be a sole trader
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
this has not gotten anywhere as yet i am only starting it up however I spoke with QCS and this is what I was told
Hello Lorraine,
Thank you for contacting QCS.
I have put together some relevant links for you which will be useful for registering a Service with CQC.
Your first step would be to register a company name, which you can do online at http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk/
You can begin to fill out the CQC application form which you can download from the CQC website – http://www.cqc.org.uk/organisations-we-regulate/registering-first-time/how-register/step-step-guide-applying-new-provider . You will need policies to go with the form (you can use our policies)
Your Registered Manager should apply for a Countersigned DBS Check (formerly a CRB check) through CQC by visiting https://cqc.disclosures.co.uk/
Once you have submitted your CQC application form, you would need to wait for another 6 to 8 weeks (potentially up to 12 weeks due to COVID) for a CQC interview with your Registered Manager. During this time you will be working on some extra documents mentioned at the bottom of this email.
We provide a Compliance Management System which includes Care Documents for start-ups like yourselves.
You will have access to New Business policies, procedures, forms, templates etc created by QCS, they will be fully customised with your company information and then constantly reviewed and updated by us with the latest CQC changes. You also get unlimited Staff logins to our system, mobile phone app for your staff to access policies, risk assessment toolkit, service user folder to create your new clients' profiles and add notes and a reading list toolkit to train your staff using our platform!
Please note we don’t fill out your CQC registration forms.
The telephone number for the CQC is; 03000 616 161. Please call them to check CQC registration fees.
Your Registered Manager should have either enrolled or completed an NVQ level 5 in Health and Social Care or should be a Registered Nurse or a Social Worker or a Registered Manager somewhere already.
Training companies you can call for NVQ level 5 is Access skills or Skills for care
Your Registered manager should also have following
Management Experience:
Planning and reviewing care
Recognising/Reporting safeguarding (Adult Protection in Scotland) concerns to management
Supervisions and inductions
Managing quality
Leading/Managing a team
Your registered manager should have up to date training in:
Complaints handling
Medication Management
Mental capacity
Health and safety
Human resources
Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to hearing from you once you have moved forward with the first steps.
Has one comment to “Residential Home for Special Needs and Mental Health”
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Sonia Lassami - August 1, 2022 at 8:36 am
Sounds like a very thoughtful idea! Will this be an actual home they live in or somewhere to go after college, work etc.?