Idea Overview:
As a community organizer my job is to bring to the awareness of us as tax payers. That we pay over $655 Billion dollars a year, in lue of youth violence and gang prevention work yet we never see the reduction of youth crime regardless how much we're being taxed for it. Imagine if we where to reduce this annual tax debt, build our businesses and organizations at the same time empower our youth. Well by creating this Youth Marketing Agency us as small and large business are able to do tax write-off providing support for youth in our surrounding youth while they use these program dollars to learn social media marketing skills and provide their skills to under funded grassroot organization as well services provided to independent mom and pops business.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Every business and organization has to pay taxes. Just as well every business or organization has to have a marketing budget. By utilizing your marketing funds to you can then donate contribute to our nonprofit organization so that in return young adults who would in return take our website, social media link and provide the needed services based on the product or services offered. Youth help with creating traffic, building subscription and watched hours to help monetize clients YouTube channel. Youth fir some companies provide mobile marketing by wearing clients brands in community on their social media platforms. Youth bring awareness to many small businesses like restaurants were they meet at your location take pictures spend money.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Sector the idea belongs to:
Business services
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
There's a demand because ultimately we don't want to see our kids and youth running the streets trying to earn dollar in a negative way. As business and home owners we're tired of being taxed for problems that we can literally make positive impact by donating to a cause and writing it off at the same time., There's a demand from youth in our community hopen that adults take them more seriously because they posses a even more powerful relationship with many of our youth that many small businesses can't reach. So by our supporting young adults in learning the marketing, advertisement and promoting skills we can build each other and show the productive change at least in our immediate community them franchise our program to other states, cities youth, adults and businesses as a whole solution that we can franchise.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Local startup businesses and organizations. Business that are shoestring budgets and or struggling to stay open. Amateur motivation speakers, social media influencers businesses and organizations they are looking for a cause to support for tax write-off purposes
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Empowering charismatic youth to use their social media skills to promote our organization for community abd city exposure. Word of mouth. The success of our organization has the potential to reach live news broadcasting and papers to promote our youth cause and we expose the small businesses that support their future.. College broadcasting local and national podcast.
How far have you developed this idea?:
I've only shard it openly to this group and few other community organization along side my grant writer abd fundraising committee.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
Do it . Everyone with a business stated that they would love to see their tax dollars go to a legit cause. Then eventually we could show the productive change in community then duplicate this outcome once data show evidence base. Then petition against the high tax as new data provides proof of significant drop in youth crime in community.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
Computer labs and laptops. Our own facility to call our headquarters, citizens, residents and taxpayers support . We need a capital campaign committee that can see the , app developer

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7 comments to “Youth Marketing Agency”

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  1. Bill Murray - February 25, 2023 at 3:36 am

    Hello, Athrettis– great vision, but like any lens, it’s only as good as the ability to focus. The issues of high taxation and youth delinquency are too different from each other for you to hang your success on business owners being able to connect the two. Start with what– and who– you know in the business community. Unpack their views and experiences concerning problem youths in their neighborhoods. Understand what they’re doing now, and why. Look at what they are currently willing to pay for and build your value prop to connect to and magnify those efforts. Once you’ve built a community on that value prop, then you can start to connect the taxation angle in a meaningful way to that group.

  2. Elijah Mason - February 25, 2023 at 6:07 am

    Hey hey Athrettis,

    I agree with Mr. Murray below, but I would also like to add that your vision can be accomplished in many ways so don’t feel like you have to do it one way. Take some time to write out the one thing you want to accomplish and give yourself a few paths to achieve that goal. Your message and vision can be attached to any business model and the message and vision that is going to sell this idea. So if you run into a wall trying to build your current business model, just know that its just the product that needs to change but the idea is perfect!

  3. Tim Strege - February 25, 2023 at 9:31 pm

    Thrett, it is easy to sense your enthusiasm to help youth find positive pathways while also supporting local businesses. Unless you have a state legislator advocating a law to provide a credit on state business taxes for this purpose, I would defer discussion of tax issues. Focus on what it takes to build your non-profit (do you have a 501c3?) with resources you propose, such as a computer/software lab to assist in making web sites, social media marketing materials and business apps. If your interest is “taking this national”, maybe partner with some nation-wide local entities like the Boys & Girls Clubs, Communities in Schools and similar national youth serving organizations. Best wishes!

  4. Krystal Lucado - February 26, 2023 at 5:41 pm

    Thank you for sharing the importance of mentoring in improving the quality of life for our youth. Athrettis- I see your “should this exist” idea inspiring youth to curate social good marketing as a good strategy to shape humanity for the better. In California, I see youth in schools curating negative experiences (fighting) to go viral on social media, rather than sharing our positive human experiences. Given their interest in social media, what if you built an alliance with nonprofits who create mentoring sponsorships in support of our 2030 sustainable development goals for youth to discover the power with using social media for good? There is someone in Nigeria who I work with that could help you. Please connect with me on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/krystallucado

  5. Mario L Castellanos - February 27, 2023 at 1:54 pm

    I think you have a good heart. I also think the number one best way to get this in front of those who would be willing to fund it is by getting those exact same youth you have in mind, involved with your idea – now. It’s a start-up. Not only will you provide the foundation for refocusing these kids minds to thinking productively, but they’ll learn business from the ground up and if they do a good job at it, it will demonstrate proof of concept to those you want to approach for funding later.

    Good luck with it.

  6. Giang Nguyen - February 28, 2023 at 6:21 pm

    This is a great way to shoot two birds with one stone. Preventing crimes and reviving communities while also taking care of community through economic development. Great vision!

  7. Janet Malcolm - May 1, 2023 at 8:59 pm

    Hello Athrettis Brown. When I first read your idea I felt that I could not give feedback that would help you, because it would be difficult to persuade a commercial organisation to take on this level of risk.

    Having said that, I have continued to think about the issues you raised. There are many organisations that are committed to helping people at risk of offending. Your idea could do with a rethink and re-targeting as an impact venture that charities and youth organisations can support and properly risk assess. There are many organisations like this that need social media services and could properly provide a training ground for youth at risk of offending. You could then ask commercial organisations to donate towards the training of these young people to provide digital marketing services to voluntary organisations and charities.