Which parts of Brexit does this idea solve?
Idea Overview:
Remainers often state that Leavers voted under false pretences, and were lied to. Leavers say 'out means out.' The mEnU is an approach in which both sides can make their vote using a sliding scale. At one extreme is total integration (including, - despte the Lsbon Treaty opt-out - the adaption of the Euro.) At the other extreme is 'out means out.' However, selecting WHERE the scale should be dictates the consequences.

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3 comments to “The mEnU”

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    • Richard John - March 17, 2019 at 10:03 pm

      If you imagine asking the bank how much interest they would pay you on £10k, they could say ‘well, it depends what your risk appetite is’ or ‘how long can we have your money for?’ The slider shows the consequence of that decision. This voting approach works the same way, and then we negotiate a deal based on the aggregate of the position of all the sliders.