Idea Overview:
No way will the smartphone habit be broken - for book lovers, even Kindle aficionados, there’s a way for ever more readers to spend time away from small screens. There’s a way for subscribers to a “book-time” personalised app to enjoy precious enjoyable time with superior distinctively designed pages acquired having after browsing favourite booksellers’ shelves in-store and in virtual reality. Acceptance of benefits over the downside of any activity. Switching-off to enter “book time” needs incentives, rewards and even penalties - and to be fun! How can the best of online communities be brought to bear on the desired pastime? The answer is more carrot, and some stick. When it comes to “book-time” we can tame and tailor technology to individuals’ preferred modus operandii with the sole objective of turning to books - devices off! Social media platforms are addictive - along with the most dangerous to wellbeing. Compelling reasons abound - to ‘switch off’ Wi-Fi and 4G connections to free-up ‘me-time’ for relaxation and edification via printed books. Algorithms and data, in many fast-evolving forms, are increasingly embedded - often with less than desirable consequences. So, let’s take an ethical approach and innovate, making sure that the individual is switched-on to a book and offline in their own preferred ways. Far from being isolationist, participation in compelling activities is envisaged. local and customised personal and community activity lies at the heart of a feasible impactful crowd-fundable membership scheme. Imagine receiving prompts and rewards for going offline and into “book-time”! And whilst in that better place advising contacts that you’re busy reading, advising patience for responses. Arguments for emotional, intellectual and physical benefits of “book time” can - optionally, be measured - and linked to wellness metrics - even translated into shared benefits! An app that can do all of this, and more than currently imagined, enabled by Artificial Intelligence but is centred on traditional booksellers’ location, character, stock stockholding promotions events and ordering. The member-bookseller may be up the road, in the local town or anywhere! The app is ‘location-aware’. Just as weather apps provide local conditions, so our generic bookshop App will be centred on “book-time” communities - these may be geographical - and linked to local reading groups, or global and niche for virtual get-togethers after offline book-time.

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  1. Simon Krystman - January 2, 2020 at 9:11 am

    I think parents would really encourage this type of offline approach using online rewards. Also, the tech companies might support this as a kind of CSR approach.