Idea Overview:
My current company connects self-employed carers (Activity Coordinators) with a driving license and young adults with Learning Disabilities and social needs. The Activity Coordinators schedule days sessions and evening sessions. They agree with the participants and their next of kins to a session plan then the Activity Coordinator collects the participants from their houses and drives them to the place where the first activity takes place. Activities could be sports clubs, mini golf, horse riding schools, walks in the park, social games, etc
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Young adults with Learning Disabilities who live with their parents or in Supported Living accomodation, who struggle with making friends and want to get involved in their community
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Consumers (B2C)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Business services
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
~ 21,800 adults with Learning Disabilities living in Surrey, out of which
~4600 are 65 or older;
this total number is predicted to increase with 10% by 2030 (Surrey County Council, Joint Strategic Needs Assessment)
SSC’s target customers are 18–40-year-old individuals with LD
and/or Autism, living with their families or in supported-living accommodation, who
are not in receipt of extensive financial support from their local councils and who wish
to expand their social circles, strike new friendships with like-minded individuals and
access leisure activities in the community. Their level of ability would allow them self-
medicate if needed and to be independent with personal care needs. They would not
have presented challenging behaviours resulting in local authorities being
involved, 6 months prior to joining the service and would not would not be in receipt
of 24-hour state-funded 1:1 care.
It is estimated that a number of ~3200 individuals that live in Surrey fit these
criteria and would benefit from the service.
Competition: all providers are clubs
and day centres which run a limit number of hours a week, according to a pre-set
Who would be the ideal customers?:
SSC’s target customers are 18–40-year-old individuals with LD
and/or Autism, living with their families or in supported-living accommodation, who
are not in receipt of extensive financial support from their local councils and who wish
to expand their social circles, strike new friendships with like-minded individuals and
access leisure activities in the community. Their level of ability would allow them self-
medicate if needed and to be independent with personal care needs. They would not
have presented challenging behaviours resulting in local authorities being
involved, 6 months prior to joining the service and would not would not be in receipt
of 24-hour state-funded 1:1 care.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Advertising channels: the local churches, parishes and charity shops. Advertisement through local news papers and through company merchandise. Advertisement and recruitment via local colleges and SEN schools.
How far have you developed this idea?:
I have already created the PLC and have registered the company. I have created a website for it ( www.surreysocialcircle.com). Have put up the policies together, printed cards and promotional materials.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
Not surprisingly, the feedback I have received from various sources including the head of a large care provider in Middlesex was very positive. My main struggle however is in finding a way to get referals from the councils themselves and I have struggled with that for months, despite having inquired this with different councils.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?: