Idea Overview:
We're building Facebook for students, much like you could call LinkedIn Facebook for the workplace; but our tools and content are focussed on improving retention, poor mental health and success at universities. Features of the service are many, but how they were created is what makes the product unique. As a student, I ran a society called the Unlimited Potential Society and spoke to 50 students a week asking them what struggles they faced that affected their studies. As a society, we created solutions to these issues and worked with the university to tackle them, which informed the business output.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
We'll create support tools and content for students, student groups, universities, students' unions, university partners and external organisation who want to advertise to students. Our value to students is focussed on support and community. Our value to student groups is membership growth & communications and UK wide related group networking. Our value to universities, their partners and students' unions is increased exposure to their services that cuts through the noise of social media. And our value to externals is direct and moderated communication to students, with targeted advertisement for increased engagement, value for money and relevance for students.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Sector the idea belongs to:
Information technology
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
I've worked with Students' Unions to identify problem areas and devised tools to help. I've then identified cost savings by comparing these tools to other services that meet these same needs. I'm currently working with universities to develop products that target gaps in their engagement with students, I also work in a marketing team at a university that works on student engagement. Students take the lead on all our events, activities and content production, they're at the heart of our activities and many of them volunteer with us as they see the value in the product.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Students and student groups in higher education, followed by Universities and Students' Unions, followed by university partners and those who want to advertise to students across the UK in a tailored way.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
I'm building the products in partnership with all the customers. I'll then use those relationships to reach out to other institutions and organisations.
How far have you developed this idea?:
We've partnered with our customers and have been working with them for 2-4years.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
We've taken part in several competitions. We got Entrepreneur of the Year in Barnet, London in 2017. We made it to the last 60 out of over 1000 applicants in the Santander Universities Entrepreneurship Competition. And we also got to the final on the Middlesex University 2020 Entrepreneurship competition. The feedback has been great mostly, but the struggle has been with people to understand the idea of a Super App - A super app is a platform developed by a company offering various services under one umbrella. Judges often wanted you to minimise something that wasn't supposed to be minimised. But we do have a solid journey map.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
Our current progress can be found here: https://www.instagram.com/studentlight/ A more detailed list of features in development and our journey map can be provided on request.

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