Idea Overview:
The world is going through tremendous turmoil and insecurity. Spirituality can help. Statistics show that the world is becoming more spiritual. 43% of people in the UK and 75% of people in the US describe themselves as spiritual whether that is religious or they believe in a higher power. Perhaps the pandemic led to more people to search for deeper meaning? To find purpose and meaning can help give us a sense of perspective on what is important in life and help us find more peace and happiness.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Spirituality is a significant and universal aspect of the human experience. One of the best ways to reduce stress and improve our body is by developing a healthy and emotionally stable brain. This can be achieved through spiritual practices. The word 'Spiritual' is becoming more main stream. For a start, as a society, we’ve become more health-conscious full stop. Clearly people now, more than ever, want to grow and contribute to society in a meaningful way. The pandemic has made us more introspective, aware of our own state of being, as well as more outward-looking, considering the bigger picture i.e. the wider purpose and meaning of life. As a result, the importance of spiritual wellness is becoming more well-recognised, as it begins to seep into all aspects of our lives from the gym to the family home to the workplace. I think there is also a big space to teach it to children, that is where the change will be.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Consumers (B2C)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Information technology
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Yes, There are many apps out there which offer elements of spiritually. From medication apps Apps such as Calm, Headspace, Yoga Studio, and Balance have been created and marketed to aid meditation, mindfulness and relaxation techniques, all areas strongly linked to spiritual wellness, creating accessible programmes to incorporate into your everyday life but no one is bringing all elements together. Spirituality isn't just about doing a yoga class or mediating its connection to our whole self physically, mentally, socially and environmentally.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
Clearly people now, more than ever, want to grow and contribute to society in a meaningful way. The pandemic has made us more introspective, aware of our own state of being, as well as more outward-looking, considering the bigger picture i.e. the wider purpose and meaning of life. As a result, the importance of spiritual wellness is becoming more well-recognised, as it begins to seep into all aspects of our lives from the gym to the family home to the workplace.I believe that technology guided by spirituality can produce happiness and create a sustainable and emotionally satisfying world.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Men and Women already health conscious who are seeking to understand spirituality and explore practices to improve their mental, emotional and spiritual/ psyche health. Also I think there is a massive market for children, that is where we will see a change in the world.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Build an App and offer it free to begin with. Build reviews include podcasts and include expert speakers and guides. Social media.
How far have you developed this idea?:
I have considered elements that could be included such as simple practices that you can do each day that help you live more mindfully, with more gratitude, learn about moon cycles and seasons, how we can live more in tune with our physical body and with nature.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
I have currently shared the idea with a few people for feedback. The specifics need to be developed further and most people have contributed ideas to what could be included.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
Not yet

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6 comments to “SoulFull”

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  1. Peter Illes - August 17, 2022 at 10:41 am

    Hi Liz!

    You should definitely talk to Janet of the Life Skills app (https://www.ideasnests.com/ideas/life-skills-app-education-to-empower/), you are in a very similar space.

  2. liz barker - August 17, 2022 at 2:56 pm

    Thanks Peter I will take a look for sure.

  3. Mark Cardwell - September 3, 2022 at 11:07 am

    The key challenge will be to get people to pay enough. There’s so much free content on the web, it’s not easy

    According to https://www.statista.com/statistics/1320734/subscription-apps-share-by-category/ only 3.6% of lifestyle apps make their money primarily from subscriptions. I don’t have a figure for apps with a one-off charge, but I’d guess that 90% or more of lifestyle apps are “free” to the user, and funded by advertising, referrals, etc. So if you’re charging for Soulfull, you will need a strong way to differentiate from the free apps, and from all the free podcasts/blogs/vlogs.

    • liz barker - September 3, 2022 at 11:14 am

      Thanks for reading my idea Mark. Yes I sought some advice recently and planning now on building a model out in Discord or similar to work out functionality and demand. It may be I just use it for my coaching brand.

  4. Janet Martin - September 5, 2022 at 7:42 pm

    Hi Liz – I’m really into this. Especially sharing knowledge on the holistic aspects of spirituality & topics like moon cycles I find fascinating. For me to find this content worth investing my time & money in – I’d perhaps like to see a way that the content can be integrated into my everyday life and impact my personal development. Please reach out if you’re open to discussing further or even a collab: janet@success-all.com

  5. Jake Shaw - December 1, 2022 at 8:30 pm

    So many spiritual apps – the ones mentioned in this idea.
    The pandemic has made us more introspective, aware of our own state of being, More fearful, less forgiving, more polarised. People write things and insult one another on social media for the most minor infraction. The media fuels division so the everyone feels under threat. The Covid lockdown has created a spooked, unhappy, frightened, ill population that eat too much sugar , consume 24hr propaganda via SM and trad media. They not only distrust institutions and society.but also the evidence before their eyes. How many times have we heard we are a year aware fro irreversible climate change. The levels of mass psychosis in the world right now are off the scale – This has led to the growth of cults like X rebellion, Antifa and Just stop oil.
    Most wellness apps are merely amplifiers of selfish introspection, so are not the answer.
    Where this idea can help is to promote self awareness; mindfulness of others around you – that we do live in a technologically advance society where we will live longer more peaceful lives IF ONLY we could wean our selves of the fear and envy peddled by media, SM, big tech, Governments and QUANGOS. If this app can connect people in a positive mindset and encourage populations to find ways to empathise and engage together, then you have something that will be very different to all the wellness/spiritualness offerings that currently fail to help make the world a better place