Idea Overview:
Electricity production is not without a toxic by product of one type or another. By utilizing multiple principles of physics at once the front end of a traditional generator called an "Alternator" producing AC voltage of various types and quantity will produce more output than is consumed during production. There by the excess power will go to power other electrical devices. An onboard generator in electric vehicles will enable traveling for any distance without stopping to recharge the batteries. This onboard generator is zero carbon, zero emissions as well. This onboard generator upon arriving at home and parked in the garage with the garage door closed will have an extension cord in the trunk that will be plugged into the home and power the home all night long.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
This zero emissions, zero carbon generator will replace solar cells on the roof by residing in the home at the foot of the Utility box, wired into the Utility box.
Electrified transportation either on the ground or in the air will be able to travel without stopping to recharge.
Data centers can run at lower costs with emission free and zero carbon power sources on premises
Marine vessels equipped with powerful electric motors will travel without pollution for as long as they need to.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Sector the idea belongs to:
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Any similar idea is limited to the electromotive forces when their generator is put under full load. My design overcomes that. Full load and scalable outputs are completely possible from kilowatts to megawatts.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
Our design will introduce pollution free generation of electricity. No more will utility companies require a coal, natural gas, or petroleum based fuels to create steam that in turn rotates a turbine generator that produces electricity. Terroristic attacks upon our National Grid will become a mute point when homes become their own micro-grid. Having electricity in remote places in the mountains around the world will become more tolerable. Missionaries in the field buidling churches and schools will now be able to cook food, heat the dwellings during cold weather, and have climate controlled interiors during sweltering heat. This is truly a UNICORN product and a complete game changer our world is ready for now.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Core customers would be residential dwellings and businesses of any type, and electrified tansportation of any type.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Direct mail to homes, physical demonstrations in shopping malls, introductions during town hall meetings. T.V. advertising, social media advertising, licensing options to current competition.
How far have you developed this idea?:
This idea has been simulated, and mathematically vetted with 4 different formulas for validity.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
At work there are 17 people standing in line waitinf for the first ones to come off the assembly line. NASA has expressed interest in utilizing it as the sole power source for their manned moon base and residences on MARS.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
What I have is a regestered trademark for the product name - "Power from On High " (R). Most of the other items are Trade Secrets. I also have a pitch deck to share for investors to consider which is a PowerPoint presentation converted to an Adobe file format.