Idea Overview:
Origin’All is a community – based platform connecting event planners with suppliers. Our community members are small companies, nonprofits and professionals. Together we curate and design innovative services and products for the MICE industry.
Buying local means embracing sustainability. Our clients know the history behind every product, who they are buying from and supporting. We promote a more inclusive and participative business model focused on people, their culture and what they offer.

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4 comments to “Origin’All Spirit – Go Local to Embrace Sustainability”

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  1. Raquel - May 27, 2021 at 2:09 pm

    Nice and beautiful project to change the paradigma of massive tourism and have more global consciousness for local impact

  2. Sabine Kern - May 27, 2021 at 2:27 pm

    An amazing idea and platform wich acts as a ‘little black book’ but also connects the most wonderful local artisans within a like-minded community, ultimately ensuring their survival and supporting sustainable tourism in the most authentic way.

  3. Tomás Arêas - May 27, 2021 at 3:02 pm

    Great iniciative that will foster local bussineses and tourist experience!