Idea Overview:
Starting a food business can be tough. One of the biggest barriers is finding affordable commissary kitchen space. In addition to this, marketing and branding is crucial to the success of any business. At the NuYou Community Kitchen, we provide flexible and affordable commissary kitchen space for rent as well as marketing and branding services. As we all know, the popularity of podcasting and having a YouTube channel has been on the rise and is a legitimate source of income for many. Our Media Room is a great option for people looking to have a polished and professional space to do their podcast and videos. Not only does the NuYou Community Kitchen assist new business with their marketing and branding, but we also have ad space on our website for farmers, producers, practitioners, healers and anyone within the health, wellness, fitness and food industries. Our goal is to be the "go-to" nationwide directory that provides wrap around services for people to be connected to their local resources within the health, wellness, fitness and food industries.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
The NuYou Community Kitchen will be utilized by a variety of people depending on their needs. The commissary kitchen space will be utilized by food businesses who need flexible and affordable kitchen space as well as businesses who need assistance building and fine tuning their marketing and branding plan. Individuals and businesses, not limited to the food industry, will use the NuYou Media Room to have a polished and professional space to record their podcast and videos. Anyone within the farming, production, health, wellness, fitness and food industries would want to buy ad space on the NuYou Cooking platform to get in front of people and businesses specifically seeking their goods and services.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Business (B2B)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Business services
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
There are many commissary kitchens. However, in my research I have yet to find one with the variety of wrap around services the NuYou Community Kitchen offers.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
I believe there is a great need for this service for a variety of reasons. First, when one is starting out in the food business, finding an affordable commissary kitchen is very challenging. In addition to this challenge, some do not have any direction with their marketing and branding so the wrap around services are crucial to their success. With podcasting and being a content creator, we need a professional setting and sometimes our mock office at the kitchen table is just not going to cut it. The NuYou Media Room is an ideal place to come because we will have a variety of backdrops and all the equipment one would need for a successful podcast and video shoot. Anyone within the farming, production, health, wellness, fitness and food industries would want to buy ad space on the NuYou Cooking platform because we are creating the go-to spot with accessible information for all people. The traffic of consumers on the NuYou Platform are specifically seeking their goods and services. At NuYou Cooking it is our mission to be a household brand where we are recognized for our easy navigation, dynamic resources and positively impacting communities nation and world wide with all information relating to health and wellness. We provide food for body and food for thought.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
There are a few core customers for the NuYou Community Kitchen. Our first core customer is a new or established business owner within the food business who is in need of a commissary kitchen and wrap around services for their marketing/ branding needs. Secondly, another core customer is someone who is in need of a space for podcasting or shooting videos, not limited to only the food service industry. Our final core customer is one who is a farmer, producer, practitioner, health and wellness or fitness professional looking to drive traffic to their business.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
We would reach our core customers through local networking platforms such as Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and other direct networking events. We would also utilize our guest appearances on various podcasts to advertise our wrap around services and we have had success advertising our existing services within a variety of Facebook groups.
How far have you developed this idea?:
A mentor and I have been discussing this idea for about a year and a half. They encourage me to go for it and say that now is a great time to offer these services because we are in a knowledge based frequency and also its crucial to have multiple streams of revenue. Also, what is important to my personal mission, is to be of service to others and make a positive difference in as many people as I possibly can. I feel that this concept of the NuYou Community Kitchen and expanding the NuYou Cooking brand as a whole, is filling a void for the need of affordable commissary kitchens and the need for marketing and branding services. In addition to filling these voids, the most impactful void that all of this will solve is accessibility to knowledge and resources for all things health and wellness related that is easy to understand and accessible to all people.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
First of all, I love that statement "There is no failure, only feedback." Everyone who I have shared this concept with has positive feedback and agrees that it is solving multiple needs.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
At this time, I have no supporting materials.

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3 comments to “NuYou Community Kitchen”

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  1. Tim Strege - March 21, 2023 at 7:14 pm

    Jill, as you know there is great demand for shared kitchen space. I favor your approach to offer complimentary services, such as podcasting, partnerships and marketing collaborations. Since the main attraction is the kitchen space you will need a favorable lease to start with adequate time provided to ramp up to full utilization. Important will be getting regulatory approvals from the Health Department, building inspectors and wastewater officials. In a County of almost 1 million people, caterers are going to Tukwila and elsewhere while providing their food in Tacoma/Pierce County. Have you performed a “break even” table of costs and revenues needed to support an ongoing kitchen operation? Susanne Marten is leading an effort in East Tacoma to find space for many small food producers in need of what you offer. I will send you her contact info. Best!

  2. Mario L Castellanos - July 1, 2023 at 4:04 pm

    Like Tim, I too like your novel approach and agree there has been a proliferation of commissary and pop-up kitchens in the last few years. I’ve owned a catering company so I know personally what you speak of. I think this will be a multi-step process, starting with opening a commissary. That alone requires a great deal of work and effort. Once you’ve got that, you can begin to offer the additional marketing services. Your advantage is there are way too many people who believe opening a kitchen is an easy task because their home cooking is all the rave. The lack of real marketing savvy by many only acts to increase their difficulty for success. Why this benefits you is you’ll never be short of prospective clientele. In addition to Ideasnest, you should consider contacting this fellow, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamalmaxey/. He holds a weekly pitch event dedicated to the F&B industry. You are welcome to use my name as he knows me. I’d like to stay tuned to your progress so keep posting! If done correctly, I see this as scalable. The best of luck with it.

  3. Benjamin Dimowo - December 5, 2023 at 2:02 pm

    Feedback from Artificial Intelligence:

    Positive Aspects:
    1. Comprehensive Service Offering: The NuYou Community Kitchen addresses multiple needs for businesses, providing commissary kitchen space, marketing/branding services, a Media Room, and ad space on the NuYou Cooking platform. This comprehensive approach sets you apart.
    2. Targeted Market: Identifying core customers, including food business owners, content creators, and professionals in health, wellness, fitness, and farming, demonstrates a clear understanding of your target audience.
    3. Unique Selling Proposition: The combination of services and the focus on accessibility to knowledge and resources for health and wellness contribute to a unique selling proposition.

    Areas for Consideration:
    1. Local Partnerships: Continue exploring local networking platforms, but also consider forming partnerships with local businesses, culinary schools, or organizations in the health and wellness sector to expand your reach.
    2. Digital Marketing: Leverage digital platforms more extensively for advertising, especially for the NuYou Cooking platform. Social media, content marketing, and SEO strategies can help create a strong online presence.
    3. Testimonials: As you move forward, consider collecting testimonials from potential users or stakeholders. Positive feedback strengthens your credibility and can be used in your marketing efforts.
    4. Operational Planning: Ensure that the operational aspects, such as logistics for commissary kitchen usage and Media Room bookings, are well-defined and user-friendly for your customers.
    5. Brand Storytelling: Develop a compelling brand story that emphasizes your mission to be a household brand positively impacting communities. Share this narrative through various channels to build a connection with your audience.

    The NuYou Community Kitchen concept has potential, and the positive feedback you’ve received is encouraging. As you progress, focus on expanding your reach through both local and digital channels, refining your operational processes, and building a strong brand narrative. Testimonials and success stories from early users can further validate and strengthen your proposition. Best of luck with developing and launching the NuYou Community Kitchen!