Which parts of Brexit does this idea solve?
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Idea Overview:
The only solution is to accept that there is no solution. We can upset 48% of the electorate by forging ahead and leaving in the only way possible (no deal), or we can upset 53% of the electorate by continually blocking every attempt to get us out of the EU, or we can upset everybody with a deal that is just a compromise and not one thing or the other. When in this sort of situation the only way out is to use the toss a coin system, I suggest we put these 3 options above, up for it and have a knock out competition, with each round being a "best of three tosses". Nobody could argue that this is unfair or that it hasn't been thought through.

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2 comments to “How we can solve the issue of Brexit.”

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  1. Simon Krystman - March 17, 2019 at 7:51 am

    I guess the PM would be the one to do the coin tossing. At least this takes away the arguments and leaves our future to chance.

  2. Jake - March 17, 2019 at 7:11 pm

    Government has been established on less of a margin . So I can’t agree to this