Idea Overview:
Establishing a small craft distillery in Romania, focusing on whiskey and moonshine primarily, producing gin and vodka in the early stages of whiskey maturation being the 2nd whiskey distillery in Romania as of date. At the moment I am in the process of acquiring the property and distilling qualification. i need help with the business plan and acquiring funding.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
The Society aim to capitalize on the growing trend for niche artisan small scale distilling, as well as the historical characteristics of the region and become a tourist destination with a visitor centre, retail outlet and a café alongside the distillery. Therefore, the product can be marketed to a global demographic catering to whiskey enthusiasts and collectors.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Sector the idea belongs to:
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
There are a multitude of whiskey distilleries across the world and in the last couple of years the craft distillery trend has seen an impressive boom where craft distilleries are appearing in unique topography. Each distillery is creating a unique product facilitated by their variations imputed into the production processes. Each distillery has its own variations to the unchanged production process.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
There is a demand for craft, small batch whiskey all over the globe with the whiskey collector demographic increasing in size and geographical span. However, there is only 1 whiskey distillery in Romania, and the local whiskey culture is at its infancy stages, with significant efforts conducted to improve and expand the whiskey culture and alcohol awareness. There may be countless distilleries opening across the globe , however, the uniqueness of the topography, the regional moonshine culture and the knowledge accumulated in my 13 years journey in hospitality in both Romania and the UK will provide certain advantages for my business venture to create a foothold in the local business environment and allow a global outreach from the early stages of the business.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
The ideal customers would be whiskey enthusiasts and collectors which tend to purchase obscure small batch distillates, and they tend to purchase more expensive or higher volumes. However, by the business plan and the desired character of the whiskey will allow for a broader customer demographic .
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
The marketing will be conducted over several platforms with a web platform that will allow for a global outreach for club members and whiskey enthusiasts, word of mouth, online advertising as well as taking advantage of the connections acquired in various industries over my 13 years hospitality experience.
How far have you developed this idea?:
I have discussed with a potential investor and I have found organizations that specialize in funding craft distilleries across the globe. I have planned the rough layout of the facilities, operational processes and a marketing draft. i have acquired the full support of the local authority and they have stated the existence of several agricultural development projects which will prove beneficial to the distillery. Additionally, I have secured the help of my brother( tesla quality engineer) to help with the creation of an operational process system, my father and brother(different one) will help with the physical construction of the facilities . Furthermore, my family's connection to the area creates a foothold in the regions distilling culture.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
The feedback received so far has been highly positive, with support offered from diverse individuals and institutions.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
I have attached a business plan draft.