Idea Overview:
Future Gen is a Gen Z career exploration platform to help employers engage, hire, and retain the future workforce.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
Employers experiencing entry level and skilled labor shortages. Employer placement partners. Workforce development and youth development programs that are building out career pathway programs. Educational Institutions with career and internship centers.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Business to Business (B2B)
Sector the idea belongs to:
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
Career exploration is nothing new. There are many ways of going about this. Some people seek answers through mentorship or taking a traditional 100 question survey assessment that could take hours to do. Then there are more robost paid for options as a service, like career coaches or high school/college counselors. There are also online options through companies like Career Advisor, Kaplan, and Career Explorer. Most of these solutions are enabled by some forms of paid for assessments and private led tutors of some kind.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
There are 75 million Americans that will be retiring by 2030 and 68 million Gen Zers that needed to prepare or be skills ready, yesterday. There is a need for employers to not only find qualified candidates, but also attract workforce talent who value personal interest and company value alignment and are increasingly influenced by brand digital presence. Employers need to control their narrative better, their story, in order to compete for passionate talent and remain relevant to the future workforce.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Ideal customers at this point would most likely be companies that have a need for entry-level workers, but are also experiencing skilled labor shortages. Employers with this symptom have been found in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and maritime.
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Engage in private, public intersections where workforce development occurs or is the primary discussion. This could be in the form of conferences, annual summits, or workshops. The goal would be to engage with decision makers. We have learned decision makers could include Chief HR Officers, Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Technology Officers, and CEOs.
How far have you developed this idea?:
We have an MVP developed and users. We are working on enterprise and strategic partnership opportunities and have drafted several proposals. It took our team 4 pivots, 3 prototypes, and 2 mvps to get where we are.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
Plenty. The most recent one has been how do we plan to integrate this with employer processes. This led us to moving towards a plug-in solution deliverable.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:

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2 comments to “Future Gen XYZ”

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  1. Mario L Castellanos - April 21, 2024 at 11:14 pm

    A fast track pilot/beta project you should seriously consider is your local (and others markets as well) public school system. I’ve been working with my local public school system since 2019, taking on interns for several companies I’ve been involved with. The positions have ranged from high technology to marketing and more. A great many of these kids have demonstrated superb abilities. The way it works is I as an employer (as well as many others) attend a career fair wherein the students from every school within the county, approach us to learn about what we are doing and submit themselves as candidates for our open listed opportunities. I believe if you approach the decision makers you’re seeking with some results taken from piloting with the school district, you’ll receive a much better reception. I hope this is helpful.

  2. Bill Murray - April 21, 2024 at 11:54 pm

    Great idea, definitely a need for businesses to connect with good candidates. You have an informed MVP. Now that you’re trying to sell it, what are the assumptions you around your MVP and the behaviors that you customers must engage in to access your value prop? Just because you see the value, doesn’t mean that your customers are willing to take the necessary steps to purchase. Unpack the entire process. What could stop your customer at each point? Think behavioral economics (irrationalities) not regular economics (rational behaviors). It’s the emotions that make or break a new value prop. Relentlessly pursue those emotions! Happy to discuss– Bill Murray, https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-murray-mentor/