Idea Overview:
Fashion Trading is replicating the trading system from domains like, share trading and crypto currency trading with a product much easier to understand by any individual. The business will be a platform that offers for trade fashion garments instead of other commodities usually available for trading to the public like, stock and shares, advertisement, foreign currencies etc. The purpose is to offer a more accessible and easier to understand item to trade to the public while reducing the waste of clothing items unsold. The clothing garments and accessories offered for trading by Fashion Trading are highly dependable on the partnerships with clothing retailers. Below a list of items that can be traded on the FT platform can be seen (the FT platform will not be restricted by this list): - Trousers - Jeans - Dresses - Skirts - Tops - Blouses - Jackets - Suits - Shoes - Trainers - Accessories - Underwear - Etc. Fashion Trading will provide an innovative alternative option to traditional trading. This will be achieved by offering the option to trade using a simple product. Trading with clothing garments is easy to understand and predict by the basic consumer. At the same time Fashion Trading aims to be sustainable and responsible by offering the option to trade old stock that would reduce the need of new production for clothing retailers. These garments will be bought from merchants and offered to FT traders at a very low price with the goal of encouraging usage of old stock and reducing wastage.
Who might use it/where it might be used?:
The business will be relying on partnerships with clothing and fashion retailers. The aim of FT is to develop a user-friendly application and white label for both partners and customers to use with ease. With the use of the white label FT will integrate with various partners (online merchants from the clothing market) to offer current and old stock of partners to buy by the FT app users (traders) who then will modify the price of the bought products to make a profit. Through the partnership with FT merchants can benefit from a huge cash influx and a quick turnover of their products as well as a quicker analysis of how well their products are performing. The initial goal of FT is to partner with smaller retailers or merchants that offer their products to a niche customer base. As FT grows so should the portfolio of partners adding larger retailers that could increase the credibility and brand recognition of the business. The relationship between FT and their partners will rely on different responsibilities. Fashion Trading responsibilities: - Offer for trading all agreed products - Buy old stock at 1/10 of the RRP - Process payments of the retailer’s behalf - Conduct due diligence on all users Partners responsibilities: - Make prices changes (on their platform) as per requests from FT users - Manage logistic and distribution on all products sold by FT users - Make changes to the refunds policies The Fashion Trading user platform will offer 3 types of subscriptions to appeal to customers from any background, all following the basic idea of having customers (traders) investing (buying) in current or old stock of clothing items sold by other traders (for example, ASOS, Boohoo, TK Max, CK etc.) and then modifying the price of the item to one they consider that will bring them enough revenue. This will give merchants a high influx of cash by selling most of their stock rapidly. The merchants will remain the ones responsible for shipping for their items to the final customers (who purchase from the FT traders for the new price). The old clothing stock (from the same merchants) will be negotiated to a lower price or fully bought by FT to encourage the usage instead of turning it into waste. 1. Basic membership – will allow subscribers to trade with old stock or certain mainstream items. This type of membership does not provide any data analysis for the benefit of the trader. Best suited for beginners. 2. Standard membership – will offer all the features of the Basic membership and in addition, will allow access to trade all other items except high value brands. The standard membership will also provide statistics and hints of “hot” items to the subscribers. Best suited for experienced traders with passion for fashion. 3. Premium membership – will offer all the features of the Standard membership as well as access to trade high value items (expensive brands). This membership will also provide detailed analysis of the current trends and other information about performance of items. Best suited for businesses within the fashion industry.
The Market (B2B, B2C or Both):
Sector the idea belongs to:
Information technology
Is there a similar idea to be found?:
I believe this idea is unique and currently there is no similar offer in the market.
Why you think there is a demand for your idea?:
Explanation of the target market - Individuals of any age and any background. - Previous or current traders of alternative products Marketing will be done via SEO, SEM and through partnerships with online clothing merchants. Also, FT will use the sustainable solution offered as means to promote itself and to raise awareness. The main difference between Fashion Trading and other organizations is that FT brings a new type of trading into the market without any direct competition. The new type of trading (the trading of clothing items) it’s based on a very mainstream product that can be easily understood and predicted by users.
Who would be the ideal customers?:
Customers for Fashion Trading can be any individual or business with savings willing to invest them
What ideas do you have to reach these customers?:
Fashion Trading will be promoted via the usual digital marketing chanels and also using commercial advertisement in partnership with the businesses linked to FT.
How far have you developed this idea?:
I have built a business plan with the help of University of Wales Trinity Saint David.
What – if any – feedback have you had for this idea so far?:
Some of the lecturers that helped me with the idea believe this can be an innovative business with a great perspective.
What supporting material – if any - would you like to add to your proposal?:
None at this stage.

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  1. Simon Krystman - July 3, 2023 at 6:22 am

    Have you had any feedback from fashion retailers as they are key to this marketplace?