Which parts of Brexit does this idea solve?
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Idea Overview:
A slight drizzle and inevitable tale. The withdrawal is needed for the United Kingdoms growth. The EU is too exclusive and it doesn't allow much outside influence. The solution for the world ultimately is unity. The UK is a founding member of the UN and are apart of the EU, Bloody Hell! To unite the world requires a “World View” Not a box like the EU. Separating from the EU and concentrating on a World View is the best sphere for the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom will become a representative for the “One World Government” and the preservation of the Human Species on this planet. Everything the UK thought was supplied by the EU in actuality wasn't a proper solution. The solution to Brexit is simple "Just Do It" forming a Customs Union, Hard Border with Ireland, Delays at the Border, Tariff Surges all are just part of the course. This activity must happen in order to bring about real change. The UK is a part of the UN Security Council and they have no business being a part of the “EU” which is nothing more than an exclusive barbarism cult. Theresa May is the best Prime Minister to ever exist, as a part of the solution she needs to have more of a World View. As much as I love the United Kingdom its not the world and shouldn’t be treated as such.

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3 comments to “Brexit: A pejorative Tale”

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  1. Simon Krystman - March 17, 2019 at 10:06 am

    Thats a very pragmatic approach.